Monday, June 22, 2009

  1. Divorce :: final
  2. Napkin :: food
  3. Camera :: flash
  4. Leather :: cow
  5. Fractures :: broken
  6. Flip out :: madness
  7. Coroner :: body
  8. Atomic :: kitten
  9. Liz :: taylor
  10. Leave :: adventure

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


In a sea of fire and smoke

The walls come tumbling down

Amidst the floral garden of interlock weave

An old rock chick burns

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kids in the moment

My daughter just said to me "It's fun having a mum like you". I said "thankyou, make sure you remember that when I say no to you sometime and you say I don't like you".

Kids really do live in the moment, feeling whats going on right now and enjoying it. My daughter wouldn't even be thinking ahead to the day when I might say no, right now she is having fun painting her face. I am having fun watching her have fun. It's another beautiful moment in my life.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ice Melts

Drip.....Drip Drip....Drip...Drip Drip
Faster, Faster, Faster
Slower, Slower, Slower
Drip....Drip Drip....Drip...Drip Drip

Again nothing better to do at work than look at out the window. I sat and watched the morning sun melt the ice on a roof gutter. Again fascinating, mesmorizing. Watching one drip start and then another and another. It was like watching an orchestra playing music, building up to the crescendo and then coming softly to an end. These drips had there own top 10 hit happening.

Winter Morning

Spirits from the earth set free
Rising in the morning sunlight
Twisting, twirling, dancing
To greet a brand new day

Very quiet morning at work so I was watching the sun melt the morning frost on the grass. It was fascinating watching the steam rise and play. It looked like playful spirits/souls coming alive. It was a very beautiful moment.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


My tears fall like bullets

Onto your shirt

Piercing the place

Where your heart once beat for me

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Standing on the edge of my heart

With the last claws of hope

Inching forward ready to jump

Will I, won’t I, will I, won’t I?

Monday, June 8, 2009

  1. Hockey :: Stick
  2. Twirling :: Chocolate
  3. Montreal :: Snow
  4. Better :: Life
  5. New :: Fantastic
  6. Rally :: Support
  7. Stanley :: Knife
  8. USB :: Stick
  9. Scouted :: Found
  10. Cough :: Cold

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nursery ::  Rhyme  
Side effect :: Sick
Heart to heart ::  Talk
Try ::  Harder 
Hog ::  Tied
Symptom ::  Cure 
Collide ::  Crash 
Fury ::  Love 
Incorporated :: Joined 
Summer ::  Fun

    Sunday, May 24, 2009

    1. Lisa :: Simpson

    2. Hope :: Beau

    3. Irene :: Plowman

    4. Tony :: Awards

    5. Anna :: Nicole Smith

    6. Dolly :: Varden

    7. Laura :: Ingles

    8. Debbie :: Byrne

    9. Wilson :: Dennis the Menace

    10. Paula :: Abdul

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009


    Feel the rain upon your face

    Its cold sharp sting

    It’s like a slap in the face

    With your mothers wedding ring

    The world likes to view you

    With rose coloured glasses

    To assume that your life is so good


    The mask that you wear

    For the world to see

    Only condemns you to a life of misery

    Friday, May 8, 2009


    My eyes are stars that twinkle brightly

    In the glow of your love that is the moonbeam

    Secure in the knowledge

    That you love me


    Words In my head

    I can’t get them out

    Can’t write the stuff

    To tell you about


    Don’t know what to say

    Don’t know how I feel

    The words are all there

    I just can’t make them real

    Saturday, April 25, 2009

    Now For The Hard Work

    Recently my partner and I separated.  It's only been 4 months but it feels like the longest 4 months of my life.  

    In that 4 months I have done a lot of soul searching, crying, therapy, readingm pretty much anything to get my self out of the darkness that had surrounded me for so long.  It hasn't been easy, I have had to be very honest, sometimes brutally so,  with myself (credit to IC).  It wasn't easy but I knew if I had to move forward it was the only way.  

    Along the way I learnt that I am a beautiful person, I am strong, I am vulnerable, I can love and be loved.  I can be all of these all the time and I am not a failure or a weak woman (courtesy of my mum).  

    As parents we do the best we can and I know that mine did the best they could.  I think sometimes though as adults we get caught up in the everyday crap that takes over and we forget to just enjoy "the moment" .  I am now living the moment, feeling it and letting it embrace me.  I have  had a hard time doing this especially in my relationship with my partner.

    So after 4 months I am coming out of the darkness and seeing the bright light that life has to offer me.  My partner wants to come home and work on our relationship, together.  I am over the moon and excited but now know that the hard work begins. 

    Communication, love, trust, honesty all play a really big part in any relationship.  Without them you are slowly sinking into the depths of the darkness.  

    Wednesday, April 15, 2009

    Easter Weekend

    I spent the Easter long weekend with my kids at the beach.  We had the best time and it made me realise you don't have to spend money to have a great time.  The kids went swimming everyday, we made sand castles and I gave my bi-ceps a daily workout by digging great big holes to bury Master J in.

    We took our kites with us and spent most afternoons lying on my back watching my kite float in the wind.  Kite flying has a very calming effect on me.  We also rode our bikes everyday.  By the end of the day I was absolutely tired out, but so happy.  We were all in bed everynight at about 7.30pm.
    It was just great to relax and have no time restrictions.  We did what we wanted when we wanted. 

    My therapist keeps telling me to live in the moment and I sure did on the weekend.  Slowly trying to do it in everyday life, but I think it will take me a little longer to get used to. 

    Tuesday, April 7, 2009


    You appeared so unhappy

    It made me weep

    I knew you felt lost and alone 

    For a week is was nice

    To have you in my life

    Wholly and souly mine 

    Now it appears that all is well

    I was lulled into a false sense of security

    You are now happy and full of life


    The She-devil returns

    Today I feel like I have had the wool pulled over my eyes by a few different people in my life.  I hate that they have done that.  I hate that I have let them.  

    Sunday, April 5, 2009


    Bodies entwined

    Hearts beating

    Breathing, fast

    Hands caressing skin, hair

    Our bodies listening

    Life Is Good

    It's been pyjama day today in our house. Too many late nights and too much alcohol all caught up with me today.  It even freaked me out a bit when I walked into the lounge this morning and found my babies celebrating christmas.  They had on hats and christmas stocking were hung around the place. My first thougt was that I had drunk too much and had fallen asleep for a very long time. 

    So the kids and I have spent the day watching dvd's and eating Tim Tams in our pj's.  You can always count on a Tim Tam to make you feel better. Life is good.

    I have had a few up and down weeks, but I am learning to live in the moment (something I am not good at) and its been a real learning curve for me.  I am really embracing it and enjoying it. 

    I am discovering Life is Good.  A very special person gave me a card a few years back and it says "Life isn't about Finding yourself. Life is about Creating yourself." Its taken me a while to realise this and I running flat out with it.  Even on a bad day I can see the good in Life.  And that makes such a big difference for me.

    So I will say it again LIFE IS GOOD!

    Sunday, March 29, 2009


    When you light a fire

    You create smoke

    It’s a mask, a smoke screen

    Hiding the real devastation taking place


    You can’t see that devastation

    Until the fire has stopped raging

    The smoke all but gone

    Then you see the damage she has created

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009


    Bed time is getting closer
    She rubs her little eyes
    She is so very tired
    But its time to tell the lies

    The tears roll down her cheeks
    As I hold her close to my breast
    I tell her Daddy loves her
    As I lay her down for a rest

    She asks when daddy's coming home
    "I'm not sure" is my standard reply
    For daddy has another life
    That is why I have to lie

    This is the "not so fun" part of being a parent.  It breaks my heart every night when Miss R asks me when her daddy is coming home.  Tonight it made me cry too.  


    The first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning, Lemons.  
    My grandfather has the most magnificent lemon tree in his backyard.  It has been my endless supply of lemons forever.  The tree has been in his backyard since he came to Australia from Italy 60 years ago.
    Everytime we visit my kids collect a bag of lemons.  Its tradition,  just the way I did it when I was a kid.  I asked my grandfather once how he got the tree to grow so strong and healthy.  He shrugged his shoulders and said "I do nothing, it grows" I have tried 3 times to grow lemon trees, without success.
    My grandfather is 92 and is dying.  When he dies the lemon tree dies too.  
    I'm going to miss the lemons.

    Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Power or Control

    Does he tell you he gets close

    That he wants my lips

     Does he tell you we fucked

    While you were in his head


    I think not

    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    My Profile

    I decided today that if I was to move forward in my new life that I had to be honest.  So the first thing I did was change my profile info.  It said that I love life, well that wasn't entirely true.  I am learning to love life.   So I have changed the words.  I feel so much better now.  If I can't be honest and truthful with myself how can I be with anyone else?


    You were my lover

    My partner, my husband

    You were my plaything

    My slave, my excuse 

    You were my anger

    My discontent, my displeasure

     Equals we were not


    I looked up the meaning of equal in the dictionary some of the definitions: having identical privileges, status, rights. Evenly balanced or proportioned.  Neither of these definitions figured into my relationship.  Not something I am proud of, but to deny the truth is denying myself the chance to work on improving myself and maybe the relationship.

    Rain & Balloons

    This morning I woke to hear the sound of rain on my tin roof.  It's not something we have been hearing a lot of lately.  I don't think I will ever get sick of the sound again.  
    Balloons....Miss R and I have spent the morning playing balloon tennis.  I haven't played this in ages and it was the best fun ever.  Finding the inner child in me is fun.  I hate that  we loose that sense of fun and spontaneity as we get older.  Something I have tried very hard not to loose but on occasion have.  It's back now and I intend to keep it.  Anyone for balloon tennis?

    Friday, March 20, 2009

    Mirror Me

    I look in the mirror
    I see strength, courage, beauty, happiness
    All staring back at me

    But the mirror lies
    It is just a reflection
    Of another world I used to live in

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    Just Rambling

    This is not a poem, but just a little ramble about me and life.  Life as I once knew it has changed "just a little bit".  This is my own little part of the world where I can just be me.  Not mum, or worker, or partner, just me.  Where I can write down all the little things that come into my head, good or bad.  I have always thought of poetry as....well I suppose i haven't really thought about it all.  I didn't really understand it.  I could never understand how someone could write such pretty words and yet thousands would read those words and have their own interpretation of what those words meant.  I felt it was an injustice to the writer of those words.  I voiced this opinion to someone not long ago and they "thats what poetry is all about, your interpretation".  I still struggle with this.  Another point is the whole rhyming thing.  Poems I've read always ryhmed.  The two I wrote do rhyme though I didn't do it deliberately.  I just wrote what I felt at the time.  Enough rambling for one night. 
    Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.




    Who has the right?

    To hold all the power

    Wednesday, March 18, 2009


    My tears are hot and salty

    My eyes are stained and sore

    But nothing can prepare me

    To see my life walk out the door