Sunday, April 5, 2009

Life Is Good

It's been pyjama day today in our house. Too many late nights and too much alcohol all caught up with me today.  It even freaked me out a bit when I walked into the lounge this morning and found my babies celebrating christmas.  They had on hats and christmas stocking were hung around the place. My first thougt was that I had drunk too much and had fallen asleep for a very long time. 

So the kids and I have spent the day watching dvd's and eating Tim Tams in our pj's.  You can always count on a Tim Tam to make you feel better. Life is good.

I have had a few up and down weeks, but I am learning to live in the moment (something I am not good at) and its been a real learning curve for me.  I am really embracing it and enjoying it. 

I am discovering Life is Good.  A very special person gave me a card a few years back and it says "Life isn't about Finding yourself. Life is about Creating yourself." Its taken me a while to realise this and I running flat out with it.  Even on a bad day I can see the good in Life.  And that makes such a big difference for me.

So I will say it again LIFE IS GOOD!


  1. Every moment we are sucking is good. : ) Glad you had a good day. xo

  2. Thanks IC, although since that day I have fallen in a bit of heap again. But only a little one. :)
