Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Weekend

I spent the Easter long weekend with my kids at the beach.  We had the best time and it made me realise you don't have to spend money to have a great time.  The kids went swimming everyday, we made sand castles and I gave my bi-ceps a daily workout by digging great big holes to bury Master J in.

We took our kites with us and spent most afternoons lying on my back watching my kite float in the wind.  Kite flying has a very calming effect on me.  We also rode our bikes everyday.  By the end of the day I was absolutely tired out, but so happy.  We were all in bed everynight at about 7.30pm.
It was just great to relax and have no time restrictions.  We did what we wanted when we wanted. 

My therapist keeps telling me to live in the moment and I sure did on the weekend.  Slowly trying to do it in everyday life, but I think it will take me a little longer to get used to. 


  1. Living in the moment is a constant work in progress for me. I'm a planner and an organizer and a wee bit of a controller. But when I get stuck in a moment and I'm brewing in my own hurt, I do now know to take a step back, see the blessings I have at the moment, realize not to take the actions or words of others personal and to just breath. In the past I would have had a drink... It'll come together and you will be better for day at a time my friend.

  2. Thank you IC. Your words always help. XOXO
