In that 4 months I have done a lot of soul searching, crying, therapy, readingm pretty much anything to get my self out of the darkness that had surrounded me for so long. It hasn't been easy, I have had to be very honest, sometimes brutally so, with myself (credit to IC). It wasn't easy but I knew if I had to move forward it was the only way.
Along the way I learnt that I am a beautiful person, I am strong, I am vulnerable, I can love and be loved. I can be all of these all the time and I am not a failure or a weak woman (courtesy of my mum).
As parents we do the best we can and I know that mine did the best they could. I think sometimes though as adults we get caught up in the everyday crap that takes over and we forget to just enjoy "the moment" . I am now living the moment, feeling it and letting it embrace me. I have had a hard time doing this especially in my relationship with my partner.
So after 4 months I am coming out of the darkness and seeing the bright light that life has to offer me. My partner wants to come home and work on our relationship, together. I am over the moon and excited but now know that the hard work begins.
Communication, love, trust, honesty all play a really big part in any relationship. Without them you are slowly sinking into the depths of the darkness.